Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Message from Rich: My growth has been very pleasantly stunted during your crash visit, the first night in a week that I went to bed sober was after depositing you at the airport on Sunday. The itinerary during the one week blitz included the following pubs ....... the Old Badger, the Halfway House, The Black Horse, The Green Dragon, Butcher’s Arms, The Woolpack, The Painswick Inn, Hunters Hall, The Tipputs Inn, pub near Westminster, pub near Paddington railway station, beer on train, Calcot Manor, Sapperton pub, pub in Freshford with Andrew, etc. etc., maybe more, can’t remember....... plus of course, more at home !! Culture & walks included quick spin around Cheltenham & Glosser, National Gallery, St. Paul’s, Tate Modern, wander past Trafalgar Square, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, No.10 Downing Street, Whitehall, Newark Park, Hereford Cathedral, Mappa Mundi in Hereford, SAS graveyard in Hereford, Berkeley Castle, boats’ graveyard on River Severn, B&Q DIY shop (twice), occasional supermarket, Austin Reed’s for cheap shirts, walk on Malvern Hills, Bagpath valley walk (near Hunters), Bath Royal crescent, Royal Playhouse, Roman baths, Bath cathedral, Bath rugby ground, snake & pygmy pasties, Social stuff....... Viv the chef/gardener/homemaker, Bart the Builder (& Serena), Roy the Ferryman, Paddy the Horse trainer/rider/owner etc., tea and supper with Ishie, Andrew & Alison Orme near Bath, walk along River Frome & Avon at Freshford. I think I’ve peaked now, off for a snifter and bit of kip.

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